Isn’t it the best feeling – resting under the warmest blankets and softest pillows or lounging in your comfiest sleepwear while sipping a hot chocolate drink on a cold night? Yes, it is definitely Winter!
Here are our top 2 fabric picks that are great for this season.
First on the list is the Flannelette Fabric. It is known as a type of soft, woven fabric that is frequently used in creating sleepwear, pillows, beddings and other home decors and toy projects. At Lincraft, we have a variation of high-quality flannelette fabrics in plain colours or with printed designs.
Another best option for winter fabric is the Fleece Fabric. It has some of wool's best qualities and is super lightweight and stretchable, making it suitable for making cushions, throws, toys, blankets and winter apparels.
With these options, the ideas are limitless! Kick start those snuggly cold weather projects now with our wide selection of Flannelette and Fleece fabrics in different colours and designs and don’t forget to show us your beautiful creations!
Stay warm, comfy and stylish Lincrafters!